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Jubel, freue mich auch sehr auf Matala und Co. Bis gleich - ta leme Suzannaki

Susanne Spätzle

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Matala Thai Massage

Thai massage is a combination of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda, which does not address only the body but consists of  an holistic therapy. Using pressure points, stretches and muscle relaxation/ reflexology techniques, amongst others, our bodies are restored to harmony,  which makes this kind of massage immensely effective and one of a kind. It is no coincidence that this type of massage has been practiced for over 1500 years. It's a way of deep healing, where the the person receiving the therapy is good to wear light, comfortable and clean clothes. Some of the benefits are relaxation, stress relief, clarity, "cleansing" and clearing of our minds, mobility in every muscle of our body, specific decompression and detensifying of the pain in the parts of our body that are mostly stressed by a sedentary life, like our lumbar, our backs, necks, hip joints, shoulder blades or the arms.
The nervous system is stimulated, toxins, which are responsible for obesity, bad moods and pains in the stomach and elsewhere, are eliminated. The colon is discharged- constipation issues are addressed. Stimulation of the circulatory, lemphatic, nervous, sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
Imrovement και strengthening of the immune system(which means a more effective disease prevention). Rising of our energy level. It is a form of exercise-it has been referred to as passive yoga. Improvement of sports performance, flexibility and muscle elasticity.
Treatment of psychological symptoms through the secretion of hormones that are responsible for our good mood but also through the work being done on our organs which are linked to our emotions.
For example, by massaging the liver we help the release of anger. It delays the aging process. It helps with concentration and mental processes through the stimulation of the nervous system.
It improves our physical appearance, since we are happier, with less toxins, while the face massage directly affects the appearance of our face.
Due to the body feeling healthier, we automatically experience a rise in self-confidence.


Matala Thai Massage